Kata guruku KKPI yang bernama Pak Suryo, kalau udah kenal sama yang namanya BLOG kita seras apunya rumah di dunia maya. Ada benernya ada enggaknya , benernya kalau kita sering online dan ngutak-atik blog, enggaknya kalau kita gaptek dan jarang online (kayak aku) wakakakak..
Tapi paling nggak aku ngerti lah gimana caranya nambah video di blogku tercintaa *cieee
jeng jere jeng jeng , begini caranya :
1. Buka Youtube , cari video yang akan ditampilkan pada blog (sebaiknya jangan video porno yaa, itu tidak baik karena melanggar norma-norma agama yang telah diajarkan)
2. Klik 'Share' pada bagian bawah video , lalu pilih 'Embed' .
3. Copy kode yang tertera dalam kotak 'Embed'
4. Buka blogger --> tata letak --> tambah gadget --> HTML/Java Script --> keluar kotak 'Konten' lalu paste kan kode dari youtube yang tadi sudah di copy dalam kotak tersebut
5. Klik Simpan
Jadi deeehh ..
Semoga bermanfaat :D
Sekian dan terimakasih dari sayaa, o yaa , jangan lupa join blog sayaa yaa .hehehe
Pemeriksaan Glukosa yang Simple
Berdasarkan pengalamanku waktu ikut kreasso tahun 2011, aku dapet pelajaran yang berharga banget lhoo.
satunya dengan memeriksa kadar glukosa dalam darah kita. Terutama bagi
para orang dewasa yang sudah rentan dengan diabetes dan perlu mengontrol
asupan gula dalam darah. Mengontrol asupan gula nggak cuma dengan
mengatur makanan yang masuk, tapi juga mengecek berapa kadarnya.Namun
banyak orang yang harus repot pergi ke laboratorium hanya untuk ngecek
kadar glukosa, walaupun sebenarnya bisa dilakukan di rumah kapan sajaa.
Ini aku kasi tau gimana cara mengecek kadar glukosa di rumah tercinta :
Pertama-tama, kita beli alatnya di toko kesehatan ,mungkin harganya sekitar Rp 400.000,- an, kemudian :
2. Siapkan lancet (jarum untuk jari), alat glukosa digital dan stick nya
3. Pasang stick glukosa pada alat digital di tempat yang sudah disediakan dan atur sesuai petunjuk.
Bersihkan jari dengan alkohol dan kapas, lalu dengan lancet tusuk jari
yang dipilih (jari telunjuk, jari tengah atau jari manis. pada
penusukan seperti ini, ibu jari dan jari kelingking tidak boleh ditusuk)
5. Hapus darah yang pertama kali keluar lalu alirkan darah yang kedua di hologram emas pada stick glukosa sampai terisi penuh.
6. Tunggu beberapa saat dan hasil akan segera keluar.
simple, right? ngapain pergi jauh-jauh ke laboratorium cuma buat ngecek
kadar glukosa kalo di rumah sendiri pun bisa ?Namun setelah tau
kadarnya, kalau hasilnya lebih atau kurang dari harga normal yang
tertera, tak perlu kuatir. Kita bisa menyiasatinya dengan :
- Mengurangi atau menambah asupan gula
- Pergi ke laboratorium untuk pemeriksaan lanjut
- Konsultasi dengan dokter
Ini tak hanya baik dilakukan oleh orang yang rentan terkena diabetes, namun bagi yang tidak terkena juga bisa melakukannya, lebih baik mencegah daripada mengobati ,kan ?
Lyric two is better than one
Two Is Better Than One
I remember what you wore on the first day
You came into my life and I thought
"Hey, you know, this could be something"
'Cause everything you do and words you say
You know that it all takes my breath away
And now I'm left with nothing
So maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
And maybe two is better than one
But there's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two is better than one
I remember every look upon your face
The way you roll your eyes
The way you taste
You make it hard for breathing
'Cause when I close my eyes and drift away
I think of you and everything's okay
I'm finally now believing
That maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
And maybe two is better than one
But there's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two is better than one
I remember what you wore on the first day
You came into my life and I thought, "Hey,"
Maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
Maybe two is better than one
But there's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking
I can't live without you
'Cause, baby, two is better than one
But there's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
But I'll figure it out
When all is said and done
Two is better than one
Two is better than one
HIV, yang merupakan singkatan dari Human
Immunodeficiency Virus adalah Virus penyebab AIDS
- HIV terdapat di dalam cairan tubuh seseorang yang telah terinfeksi seperti di dalam darah, air mani atau cairan vagina
- Sebelum HIV berubah menjadi AIDS, penderitanya akan tampak sehat dalam waktu kira-kira 5 sampai 10 tahun.
- Walaupun tampak sehat, mereka dapat menularkan HIV pada orang lain melalui hubungan seks yang tidak aman, tranfusi darah atau pemakaian jarum suntik secara bergantian.
HIV dapat ditularkan melalui 3 cara, yaitu
- Hubungan seks (anal, oral, vaginal) yang tidak terlindungi dengan orang yang telah terinfeksi HIV.
- Transfusi darat atau penggunaan jarum suntik secara bergantian.
- Melalui Alat Suntik.
HIV tidak ditularkan
melalui jabatan tangan, sentuhan, ciuman, pelukan, menggunakan peralatan makan/minum yang
sama, gigitan nyamuk, memakai jamban yang sama atau tinggal serumah.
Gejala-Gejala AIDS
- Merasa kelelahan yang berkepanjangan
- Deman dan berkeringat pada malam hari tanpa sebab yang jelas.
- Batuk yang tidak sembuh-sembuh disertai sesak nafas yang berkepanjangan.
- Diare/mencret terus-menerus selama 1 bulan
- Bintik-bintik berwarna keungu-unguan yang tidak biasa
- Berat badan menurun secara drastis lebih dari 10% tanpa alasan yang jelas dalam 1 bulan.
- Pembesaran kelenjar secara menyeluruh di leher dan lipatan paha.
Orang yang terinfeksi HIV tidak dapat diketahui dari
penampilan fisiknya saja karena orang tersebut terlihat seperti orang sehat lainnya. Jadi,
untuk menentukan seseorang terinfeksi HIV atau tidak harus dilakukan pemeriksaan darah.
Pemeriksaan darah bertujuan untuk mendeteksi ada atau tidaknya anti bodi HIV di dalam darah. Antibodi HIV ini dihasilkan oleh tubuh sebagai reaksi system kekebalan tubuh terhadap infeksi HIV. Oleh sebab itu, pemeriksaan ini lebih tepat disebut "Tes Antibodi HIV" bukan tes AIDS.
Perlukan Tes HIV ?
Jika anda merasa memiliki kemungkinan terinfeksi HIV, maka sebaiknya segera memeriksakan diri. Hal ini penting untuk memastikan status anda. Jika anda positif, dapat segera dilakukan perawatan kesehatan lebih lanjut yang intensif agar dapat menjaga kondisi dan mencegah penularan kepada orang lain.
Melindungi Diri Dari HIV/AIDS - Jangan melakukan hubungan sesk dengan pasangan yang anda tidak ketahui kondisi kesehatannya.
- Hindari berganti-ganti pasangan seksual.
- Gunakanlah kondom dalam melakukan hubungan seks, jika salah satu atau keduanya terinfeksi HIV
- Jika membutuhkan transfusi darah, mintalah kepastian bahwa darah yang akan diterima bebas HIV
- Gunakan alat suntik sekali pakai
- Hindari mabuk-mabukan dan narkotik yang membuat Anda lupa diri.
caranya untuk tes HIV ?
- Sebelum anda memeriksakan diri, konsultasilah terlebih dahulu kepada konselor atau tenaga kesehatan yang berpengalaman.
- Ketahui dan pahami pengertian HIV/AIDS, faktor resiko dan cara penularan, introspeksi diri dan cara pencegahannya.
- Apabila anda sudah yakin dan siap menerima segala resiko dan test HIV, silahkan periksa.
- Pilihlah pemeriksaan tanpa identitas untuk menjaga kerahasiaan anda.
- Test HIV dapat dilakukan dirumah sakit atau laboratorium kesehatan yang melayani Test HIV sesuai rujukan dari konselor anda (Tempat konsultasi dapat dilihat pada brosur ini)
- Konsultasikan kembali hasil tes tersebut dan minta penjelasan arti dari hasil tes tersebut kepada konselor atau tenaga kesehatan yang berpengalaman.
Apakah AIDS itu ?
AIDS yang merupakan kependekan dari Acquired
Immune Deficiency Syndrome adalah sindroma menurunkan kekebalan tubuh
yang disebabkan oleh HIV.
- Orang yang mengidap AIDS amat mudah tertular oleh berbagai macam penyakit, karena sistem kekebalan di dalam tubuhnya telah menurun.
- Sampai sekarang belum ada obat yang dapat menyembuhkan AIDS.
- Agar dapat terhindar dari HIV/AIDS, anda harus tahu bagaimana cara penularan dan pencegahannya.
Apakah IMS itu ?
IMS (Infeksi Menular Seksual) sering juga
disebut penyakit Kelamin, yaitu penyakit-penyakit yang sebagian besar ditularkan
melalui hubungan seks atau hubungan kelamin.
orang yang mengidap IMS memiliki resiko
yang lebih besar untuk terinfeksi HIV, karena luka yang terbuka memberikan jalan masuk
bagi HIV.
HIV terutama ditularkan lewat hubungan
seks, karena itu HIV juga termasuk jenis IMS.
Apakah Tanda-tanda
atau Gejala-gejala IMS ?
Beberapa tanda atau gejala IMS adalah sebagai berikut :
- Ada cairan yang keluar dari penis, vagina atau dubur. Terasa pedih atau panas sewaktu buang air kecil dan/atau melakukan hubungan seks.
- Nyeri di perut bagian bawah (wanita), buah pelir (laki-laki), serta pantat dan kaki. Pada wanita seringkali gejala ini tidak dirasakan, walaupun sebenarnya sudah terkena IMS.
- Melepuh, lecet, kutil, ruam dan/atau pembengkakan di sekitar kelamin, alat kelamin dan/atau mulut.
- Gejala seperti itu juga meliputi demam, pusing nyeri otot dan/atau pembengkakan kelenjar.
- Jika anda merasakan salah satu tanda atau gejala diatas, segera periksa diri ke dokter atau layanan kesehatan terdekat.
Bagaimana Agar
Anda Terhindar dari HIV dan IMS ?
Gunakan KONDOM
Kondom merupakan penghambat atau
dinding pencegah terjadinya
pertukaran cairan yang berasal dari dalam tubuh.
pertukaran cairan yang berasal dari dalam tubuh.
- Jika Anda suka berganti-ganti pasangan atau terlibat hubungan seks dengan lebih dari satu pasangan, kondom adalah alat perlindungan yang baik
- Menggunakan kondom berarti 10.000 kali lebih terlindung daripada tidak menggunakannya
- Sewaktu hendak menggunakan kondom, pastikan
bahwa kondom tersebut berkualiatas baik, berstandar mutu internasional dan perhatikan pula
tanggal kadaluarsa kondom.
source: http://channels.dal.net/gim/aids/aids.html
Je m'appelle Hélène,
Je suis une fille
Comme les autres
J'ai mes joies, mes peines,
Elles font ma vie
Comme la vôtre
Je voudrais trouver l'amour,
Simplement trouver l'amour
Je m'appelle Hélène,
Je suis une fille
Comme les autres
Si mes nuits sont pleines
De rêves de poèmes,
Je n'ai rien d'autre
Je voudrais trouver l'amour,
Simplement trouver l'amour
Et même
Si j'ai ma photo
Dans tous les journaux
Chaque semaine,
Ne m'attend le soir
Quand je rentre tard,
Personne ne fait battre mon cœur
Lorsque s'éteignent les projecteurs
Je m'appelle Hélène,
Je suis une fille
Comme les autres
Je voudrais trouver l'amour,
Simplement trouver l'amour
Et même
Quand à la télé
Vous me regardez
Sourire et chanter,
Ne m'attend le soir
Quand je rentre tard,
Personne ne fait battre mon cœur
Lorsque s'éteignent les projecteurs
Je m'appelle Hélène,
Je suis une fille
Comme les autres
Et toutes mes peines
Trouverons l'oubli
Un jour ou l'autre Quand je trouverai l'amour,
Quand je trouverai l'amour
(ad lib)
http://lyricstranslate.com Je m'appelle Hélène
Hélène,Je m'appelle Hélène,
Je suis une fille
Comme les autres
J'ai mes joies, mes peines,
Elles font ma vie
Comme la vôtre
Je voudrais trouver l'amour,
Simplement trouver l'amour
Je m'appelle Hélène,
Je suis une fille
Comme les autres
Si mes nuits sont pleines
De rêves de poèmes,
Je n'ai rien d'autre
Je voudrais trouver l'amour,
Simplement trouver l'amour
Et même
Si j'ai ma photo
Dans tous les journaux
Chaque semaine,
Ne m'attend le soir
Quand je rentre tard,
Personne ne fait battre mon cœur
Lorsque s'éteignent les projecteurs
Je m'appelle Hélène,
Je suis une fille
Comme les autres
Je voudrais trouver l'amour,
Simplement trouver l'amour
Et même
Quand à la télé
Vous me regardez
Sourire et chanter,
Ne m'attend le soir
Quand je rentre tard,
Personne ne fait battre mon cœur
Lorsque s'éteignent les projecteurs
Je m'appelle Hélène,
Je suis une fille
Comme les autres
Et toutes mes peines
Trouverons l'oubli
Un jour ou l'autre Quand je trouverai l'amour,
Quand je trouverai l'amour
(ad lib)
My Name is Helen
My name is Helen,
I'm a girl
Like all the others
I have my joys, my sorrows,
They make my life
Like yours
I would like to find love
Just to find love
My name is Helen,
I'm a girl
Like all the others
If my nights are full
Of dreams and poems,
I have nothing else
I would like to find love
Just to find love
And even
If I have my photo
In all the newspapers
Every week,
No one
Is waiting for me on nights
When I come home late
No one makes my heart race
When the lights go out
My name is Helen,
I'm a girl
Like all the others
I would like to find love
Just to find love
And even
When on the TV
You watch me
Smiling and singing,
No one
Is waiting for me on nights
When I come home late,
The Story of Buku Harian Nayla and the relation with Ataxia
Buku Harian Nayla (Nayla's Diary) is an Indonesian Christiany television drama which aired on RCTI. The scenario was written by Serena Luna. The story is about a girl who was diagnosed with Ataxia when she was young. This serial gained a national rating of 30.8% throughout Indonesian viewers.
Everything seemed to be perfect for Nayla as she was a bright,
diligent, always happy, basketball talented girl. She was also very
devoted to her religion. In school, she was the class leader and meets a
handsome senior (Senpai).
Despite her good luck and hard work, Nayla was diagnosed with ataxia,
which would soon paralyze her. She hadn't found out though. Dr Fritz
who examined her asked her to write a diary (actually Dr Fritz wanted
her to do this so he could monitor Nayla's health development).
A couple of days later, Martha saw Dr Fritz in order to find out the
results of Nayla's examination. Martha was surprised to discover the
results, but told Nayla nothing. One day, Nayla met a patient who had
symptoms similar to hers.
Nayla asked her doctor but he refused to tell her because he thought
he didn't have any right to tell her. Nayla's health worsened and Martha
reluctantly told her. This came as something of a relief to Mayla, as
she now knew what was happening to her, and what her prognosis was. Soon
Nayla had to use an electric wheelchair. Nayla's good friends amongst
her classmates were always there for here, but some of her classmates
began to be annoyed at being in the same class with Nayla.
Time went by, Nayla successfully graduated. Her friends started to
think about their future and entering university. Nayla was sad. The
only thing that made her felt better was to write. She kept writing even
though her hands started to be difficult to move. Moses entered medical
school which wasn't his dream at first. He wanted to become doctor so
that he can heal Nayla.
Nayla realized that she hadn't long to live, and that her death would
hurt Moses deeply. Nayla determined to call their relationship off. But
secretly, Moses never took his eyes from Nayla.
Nayla's disease worsened more quickly than Dr Fritz's prediction.
There were times when Nayla almost died because of choking or
difficulties breathing but Nayla always fought her disease and never
forget to pray. Her writings were published in a magazine, and people
who read them was moved by her strong will.
On Christmas Eve, Moses read Nayla's letter. At the same time, Nayla
was struggling with her disease. There were many people who became
stronger in facing their lives because of Nayla's writing. That proved
that even though Nayla's condition was so bad, she could still do help
others, in the way she had always wanted to.
Nayla smiled happily. There was no other thing she wanted to find in this world anymore.
From this , we will look what is Ataxia .
The word "ataxia", comes from the Greek word, " a taxis" meaning
"without order or incoordination".
The word ataxia means without coordination. People with ataxia have
problems with coordination because parts of the nervous system that
control movement and balance are affected. Ataxia may affect the
fingers, hands, arms, legs, body, speech, and eye movements.
The word ataxia is often used to describe a symptom of incoordination
which can be associated with infections, injuries, other diseases, or
degenerative changes in the central nervous system. Ataxia is also used
to denote a group of specific degenerative diseases of the nervous
system called the hereditary and sporadic ataxias which are the National
Ataxia Foundation's primary emphases.
The term cerebellar ataxia
is used to indicate ataxia that is due to dysfunction of the
cerebellum. This causes a variety of elementary neurological deficits,
such as antagonist hypotonia, asynergy, dysmetria, dyschronometria, and dysdiadochokinesia.
How and where these abnormalities manifest themselves depends on which
cerebellar structures have been damaged, and whether the lesion is
bilateral or unilateral.
- Dysfunction of the vestibulocerebellum impairs the balance and the control of eye movements. This presents itself with postural instability, in which the person tends to separate his/her feet upon standing, in order to gain a wider base and to avoid titubation (bodily oscillations tending to be forward-backward ones). The instability is therefore worsened when standing with the feet together, regardless of whether the eyes are open or closed. This is a negative Romberg's test, or more accurately, it denotes the individual's inability to carry out the test, because the individual feels unstable even with open eyes.
- Dysfunction of the spinocerebellum presents itself with a wide-based "drunken sailor" gait (called truncal ataxia),[2] characterised by uncertain starts and stops, lateral deviations, and unequal steps.
- Dysfunction of the cerebrocerebellum presents as disturbances in carrying out voluntary, planned movements by the extremities (called appendicular ataxia).[2] These include:
- intention tremor (coarse trembling, accentuated over the execution of voluntary movements, possibly involving the head and eyes as well as the limbs and torso);
- peculiar writing abnormalities (large, unequal letters, irregular underlining);
- a peculiar pattern of dysarthria (slurred speech, sometimes characterised by explosive variations in voice intensity despite a regular rhythm).
- inability to perform rapidly alternating movements, known as dysdiadochokinesia. This could involve rapidly switching from pronation to supination of the forearm. Movements become more irregular with increases of speed.[3]
- inability to judge distances or ranges of movement. This is known as dysmetria and is often seen as undershooting, hypometria, or overshooting, hypermetria, the required distance or range to reach a target. This is sometimes seen when a patient is asked to reach out and touch someone's finger or touch his or her own nose.[3]
- the rebound phenomenon, also known as the loss of the check reflex is also sometimes seen in patients with cerebellar ataxia. For example, when a patient is flexing his or her elbow isometrically against a resistance. When the resistance is suddenly removed without warning, the patient's arm may swing up and even strike themselves. With an intact check reflex, the patient will check and activate the opposing triceps to slow and stop the movement.[3]
The term sensory ataxia is employed to indicate ataxia due to loss of proprioception, the loss of sensitivity to the positions of joint and body parts. This is generally caused by dysfunction of the dorsal columns
of the spinal cord, because they carry proprioceptive information up to
the brain. In some cases, the cause of sensory ataxia may instead be
dysfunction of the various parts of the brain which receive positional
information, including the cerebellum, thalamus, and parietal lobes.
Sensory ataxia presents itself with an unsteady "stomping" gait with heavy heel
strikes, as well as a postural instability that is usually worsened
when the lack of proprioceptive input cannot be compensated for by visual input, such as in poorly lit environments.
Physicians can find evidence of sensory ataxia during physical examination by having the patient stand with his/her feet together and eyes
shut. In affected patients, this will cause the instability to worsen
markedly, producing wide oscillations and possibly a fall. This is
called a positive Romberg's test.
Worsening of the finger-pointing test with the eyes closed is another
feature of sensory ataxia. Also, when the patient is standing with arms
and hands extended toward the physician, if the eyes are closed, the
patient's finger will tend to "fall down" and then be restored to the
horizontal extended position by sudden muscular contractions (the
"ataxic hand").
The term vestibular ataxia is employed to indicate ataxia due to dysfunction of the vestibular system, which in acute and unilateral cases is associated with prominent vertigo, nausea and vomiting. In slow-onset, chronic bilateral cases of vestibular dysfunction, these characteristic manifestations may be absent, and dysequilibrium may be the sole presentation.
The three types of ataxia have overlapping causes, and therefore can either coexist or occur in isolation.
Focal lesions
Any type of focal lesion of the central nervous system (such as stroke, brain tumour, multiple sclerosis)
will cause the type of ataxia corresponding to the site of the lesion:
cerebellar if in the cerebellum, sensory if in the dorsal spinal cord
(and rarely in the thalamus or parietal lobe), vestibular if in the vestibular system (including the vestibular areas of the cerebral cortex).
Exogenous substances
Exogenous substances that cause ataxia mainly do so because they have
a depressant effect on central nervous system function. The most common
example is ethanol,
which is capable of causing reversible cerebellar and vestibular
ataxia. Other examples include various prescription drugs (e.g. most antiepileptic drugs have cerebellar ataxia as a possible adverse effect), Lithium level over 1.5mEq/L, cannabis ingestion[4] and various other recreational drugs (e.g. ketamine, PCP or dextromethorphan, all of which are NMDA receptor antagonists that produce a dissociative state at high doses). Exposure to high levels of methylmercury, through consumption of fish with high mercury concentrations, is also a known cause of ataxia and other neurological disorders[5]
Radiation poisoning
Ataxia can be induced as a result of severe acute radiation poisoning with an absorbed dose of more than 30 Grays.
Vitamin B12 deficiency
Vitamin B12 deficiency may cause, among several neurological abnormalities, overlapping cerebellar and sensory ataxia.
Causes of isolated sensory ataxia
Peripheral neuropathies
may cause generalised or localised sensory ataxia (e.g. a limb only)
depending on the extent of the neuropathic involvement. Spinal disorders
of various types may cause sensory ataxia from the lesioned level
below, when they involve the dorsal columns.
Non-hereditary cerebellar degeneration
Non-hereditary causes of cerebellar degeneration include chronic ethanol abuse, paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration, high altitude cerebral oedema, coeliac disease, normal pressure hydrocephalus and cerebellitis.
Hereditary ataxias
Ataxia may depend on hereditary
disorders consisting of degeneration of the cerebellum and/or of the
spine; most cases feature both to some extent, and therefore present
with overlapping cerebellar and sensory ataxia, even though one is often
more evident than the other. Hereditary disorders causing ataxia
include autosomal dominant ones such as spinocerebellar ataxia, episodic ataxia, and dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy, as well as autosomal recessive disorders such as Friedreich's ataxia (sensory and cerebellar, with the former predominating) and Niemann Pick disease, ataxia-telangiectasia (sensory and cerebellar, with the latter predominating), and abetalipoproteinaemia. An example of X-linked ataxic condition is the rare fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome.
Arnold-Chiari malformation
Arnold-Chiari malformation is a malformation of the brain. It consists of a downward displacement of the cerebellar tonsils and the medulla through the foramen magnum, sometimes causing hydrocephalus as a result of obstruction of cerebrospinal fluid outflow.
[Wilson's Disease
Wilson's Disease is an autosomal-recessive gene disorder whereby an alteration of the ATP7B gene results in an inability to properly excrete copper from the body.[6] Copper accumulates in the nervous system and liver and can cause ataxia as well as other neurological and organ impairments.[7]
The treatment of ataxia and its effectiveness depend on the
underlying cause. Treatment may limit or reduce the effects of ataxia,
but it is unlikely to eliminate them entirely. Recovery tends to be
better in individuals with a single focal injury (such as stroke or a benign tumour), compared to those who have a neurological degenerative condition.[8] A review of the management of degenerative ataxia was published in 2009.[9]
The movement disorders associated with ataxia can be managed by pharmacological treatments and through physical therapy and occupational therapy to reduce disability.[10] Some drug treatments that have been used to control ataxia include: 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), idebenone, amantadine, physostigmine, L-carnitine or derivatives, trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole, vigabatrin, phosphatidylcholine, acetazolamide, 4-aminopyridine, buspirone, and a combination of coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E.[9] Physical therapy requires a focus on adapting activity and facilitating motor learning for retraining specific functional motor patterns.[11]
Gait, coordination, and balance training are large components of
therapy. Training will likely need to be intense and focused—as
indicated by one study performed with stroke patients experiencing limb
ataxia who underwent intensive upper limb retraining.[12] Their therapy consisted of constraint-induced movement therapy which resulted in improvements of their arm function.[12]
Treatment will likely include strategies to manage difficulties with
everyday activities such as walking. Gait aids (such as a cane or
walker) can be provided to decrease the risk of falls associated with
impairment of balance or poor coordination. Severe ataxia may eventually lead to the need for a wheelchair.
The term "ataxia" is sometimes used in a broader sense to indicate
lack of coordination in some physiological process. Examples include optic ataxia
(lack of coordination between visual inputs and hand movements,
resulting in inability to reach and grab objects. Optic ataxia may be
caused by lesions to the posterior parietal cortex. The posterior
parietal cortex is responsible for combining and expressing positional
information and relating it to movement. Outputs of the posterior
parietal cortex include the spinal cord, brain stem motor pathways,
pre-motor and pre-frontal cortex, basal ganglia and the cerebellum. Some
neurons in the posterior parietal cortex are modulated by intention.
Optic ataxia is usually part of Balint's syndrome,
but can be seen in isolation with injuries to the superior parietal
lobule, as it represents a disconnection between visual-association
cortex and the frontal premotor and motor cortex[13]), and ataxic respiration (lack of coordination in respiratory movements, usually due to dysfunction of the respiratory centres in the medulla oblongata
Dengue High Fever
Dengue fever (UK: /ˈdɛŋɡeɪ/, US: /ˈdɛŋɡiː/), also known as breakbone fever, is an infectious tropical disease caused by the dengue virus. Symptoms include fever, headache, muscle and joint pains, and a characteristic skin rash that is similar to measles. In a small proportion of cases the disease develops into the life-threatening dengue hemorrhagic fever, resulting in bleeding, low levels of blood platelets and blood plasma leakage, or into dengue shock syndrome, where dangerously low blood pressure occurs.
Dengue is transmitted by several species of mosquito within the genus Aedes, principally A. aegypti. The virus has four different types; infection with one type usually gives lifelong immunity
to that type, but only short-term immunity to the others. Subsequent
infection with a different type increases the risk of severe
complications. As there is no vaccine, prevention is sought by reducing the habitat and the number of mosquitoes and limiting exposure to bites.
Treatment of acute dengue is supportive, using either oral or intravenous rehydration for mild or moderate disease, and intravenous fluids and blood transfusion for more severe cases. The incidence
of dengue fever has increased dramatically since the 1960s, with around
50–100 million people infected yearly. Early descriptions of the
condition date from 1779, and its viral cause and the transmission were
elucidated in the early 20th century. Dengue has become a global problem
since the Second World War and is endemic
in more than 110 countries. Apart from eliminating the mosquitoes, work
is ongoing on a vaccine, as well as medication targeted directly at the
Signs and symptoms
Typically, people infected with dengue virus are asymptomatic (80%) or only have mild symptoms such as an uncomplicated fever.[1][2][3] Others have more severe illness (5%), and in a small proportion it is life-threatening.[1][3] The incubation period (time between exposure and onset of symptoms) ranges from 3–14 days, but most often it is 4–7 days.[4]
Therefore, travelers returning from endemic areas are unlikely to have
dengue if fever or other symptoms start more than 14 days after arriving
home.[5] Children often experience symptoms similar to those of the common cold and gastroenteritis (vomiting and diarrhea),[6] but are more susceptible to the severe complications.[5]
Jojo Lyrics
geobwa geunyeol jom bwa, najjeumiya itneun geon swipdago
mitgo sipji anha oh~ ah~ jami oji annneun bam
meori apeun i jisi neomu jigyeowo
mureup kkurko, gaseumchigo, ureobwado, do an doeneun geon an doeni
JoJo! seulpeun eumagi heureul ttae neol saenggakhae (eh eh eh)
JoJo! janinhan neoneun wae jiwojiji annnyago (oh oh oh)
Hey, My JoJo. Love, yes JoJo
Stay! mwol jalmotaenni I, I was blind
Hey, My JoJo. Love, yes JoJo
Stay! du nune barphyeo I, I was blind
So many nights I wonder why
What can I do to make it right
Everything will be alright
so Jo Jo just tell me why
ulgo sipjin anha oh~ ah~ gipi halkwieo beorin mam
meori apeun i jisi neomu jigyeowo
chwihaebwado geu chwihan sogeul biwobwado, do an doeneun geon andoeni
JoJo! isseun eumagi meomchul ttae neol bonaellae (eh eh eh)
JoJo janinhan neoneun wae jiwojiji annnyago (oh oh oh)Hey,
My JoJo. Love, yes JoJo
mwol jalmotaenni I, I was blind
Hey, My JoJo. Love, yes JoJo
Stay! nan moreugesseo aa ajikdo
Baby- JoJo neon ani, irido chagaun Heart!
Baby Baby wae ganni, ulda jichyeo kkaeneun kkum
JoJo! seulpeun eumagi heureul ttae neol saenggakhae (eh eh eh)
JoJo! janinhan neoneun wae jiwojiji annnyago
JoJo! i sseun eumagi meomchul ttae neol bonaellae (eh eh eh)
JoJo janinhan neoneun wae jiwojiji annni, annnyago (oh oh oh)
Hey, My JoJo. Love, yes JoJo
Stay! mwol jalmotaenni I, I was blind
Hey, My JoJo. Love, yes JoJo
Stay! du nune barphyeo I, I was blind
Penyakit Alzheimeir
Penyakit Alzheimer adalah suatu kondisi di mana sel-sel saraf di
otak mati, sehingga sinyal-sinyal otak sulit ditransmisikan dengan
baik. Gejala penyakit Alzheimer sulit dikenali sejak dini. Seseorang dengan penyakit Alzheimer punya masalah dengan ingatan, penilaian, dan berpikir, yang membuat sulit bagi penderita penyakit Alzheimer
untuk bekerja atau mengambil bagian dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Kematian sel-sel saraf terjadi secara bertahap selama bertahun-tahun.
Gejala mungkin tidak diperhatikan sejak dini. Sering anggota keluarga
penderita menyadari adanya gejala ketika sudah terlambat.
Gejala umum penyakit Alzheimer meliputi:
Kasus penyakit Alzheimer sangat bervariasi dari para penderita. Lamanya penyakit Alzheimer bisa pendek (2-3 tahun) atau panjang (hingga 20 tahun). Biasanya bagian-bagian otak yang mengontrol memori dan berpikir yang terganggu terlebih dahulu, tapi seiring waktu, sel-sel akan mati di bagian lain dari otak. Yang pada akhirnya akan menyebabkan kehilangan fungsi otak dan juga kematian.
Karena penyebab pasti penyakit Alzheimer belum diketahui, maka tidak ada yang dapat dilakukan untuk pencegahan. Namun ada beberapa hal yang diyakini bisa mengurangi resiko terserang penyakit Alzheimer seperti pola makan sehat, berolahraga, berhenti merokok, dan tidak minum alkohol.
(coppas dari google.com)
Gejala umum penyakit Alzheimer meliputi:
- Gangguan memori dan berpikir, yaitu penderita penyakit Alzheimer kesulitan mengingat informasi baru. Pada tahap akhir penyakit, memori jangka panjang menghilang, dan penderita penyakit Alzheimer tidak dapat mengingat informasi pribadi, seperti tempat tanggal lahir, pekerjaan, atau nama-nama anggota keluarga dekat.
- Kebingungan. Penderita penyakit Alzheimer dapat tersesat ketika keluar rumah sendirian dan kadang tidak dapat mengingat dimana dia atau bagaimana dia bisa sampai disana.
- Lupa tempat menyimpan sesuatu, seperti kacamata, kunci, dompet, dll.
- Berpikir Abstrak. Penderita penyakit Alzheimer merasa tugas kantor atau studi-nya lebih sulit dikerjakan daripada biasanya.
- Kesulitan mengerjakan kebiasaan sehari-hari, seperti makan, mandi, berpakaian, dll.
- Perubahan kepribadian dan perilaku penderita penyakit Alzheimer. Menjadi mudah marah, tersinggung, gelisah, atau jadi pendiam. Kadang-kadang, menjadi bingung, paranoid, atau ketakutan.
- Penilaian yang buruk, seperti meninggalkan rumah pada malam hari yang dingin tanpa jaket atau sepatu, atau bisa pergi ke toko memakai baju tidur.
- Ketidakmampuan penderita penyakit Alzheimer untuk mengikuti petunjuk.
- Adanya masalah dengan bahasa dan komunikasi, seperti tidak dapat mengingat kata-kata, nama benda-benda, atau memahami arti kata-kata umum.
- Memburuknya kemampuan visual dan spasial, seperti menilai bentuk dan ukuran suatu benda.
- Kehilangan motivasi atau inisiatif.
- Kehilangan pola tidur normal.
Kasus penyakit Alzheimer sangat bervariasi dari para penderita. Lamanya penyakit Alzheimer bisa pendek (2-3 tahun) atau panjang (hingga 20 tahun). Biasanya bagian-bagian otak yang mengontrol memori dan berpikir yang terganggu terlebih dahulu, tapi seiring waktu, sel-sel akan mati di bagian lain dari otak. Yang pada akhirnya akan menyebabkan kehilangan fungsi otak dan juga kematian.
Karena penyebab pasti penyakit Alzheimer belum diketahui, maka tidak ada yang dapat dilakukan untuk pencegahan. Namun ada beberapa hal yang diyakini bisa mengurangi resiko terserang penyakit Alzheimer seperti pola makan sehat, berolahraga, berhenti merokok, dan tidak minum alkohol.
(coppas dari google.com)
Makanan Indonesia Terkenal
How to make nasi goreng
Preparation time: 20 minutesCooking time: 20 minutes
3 tbsp vegetable oil
2 chicken thigh fillets cut into strips
1 carrot, finely chopped
1 garlic clove, finely chopped
1 piece of ginger root, finely chopped
2 red chillis, finely chopped
4 onions, finely chopped
1 tbsp soy sauce
100g small dried prawns
Pinch of dark brown sugar
Pinch of salt and freshly ground pepper
100g peanuts
4 eggs
Chopped coriander
400g cooked long-grain rice left to cool
1. Heat the oil in a wok and stir-fry chicken strips. Transfer to bowl.
2. Stir-fry finely chopped onions, carrot, garlic, ginger and chilli for five or ten minutes.
3. Return cooked chicken to the wok, add soy sauce, dried prawns and rice. Keep stirring; add salt, sugar and pepper to taste.
4. Crush the peanuts in a dry wok and fry up. Transfer to bowl.
5. Fry the eggs separately.
6. Serve rice topped with the eggs; put peanuts on the side. Cover with chopped coriander.
7. Add prawn crackers and chicken satay sticks for an Indonesian banquet.
Indonesia’s top 5 dishes
1. Gado gado steamed vegetables in a peanut sauce2. Mie goreng fried noodles
3. Beef rendang beef in a thick, spicy, coconut-milk sauce
4. Nasi campur literally meaning ‘mixed rice’, this dish consists of rice topped with various meats, vegetables, tofu and hot sambal
5. Bakso spicy meatball soup
Fakta tentang sebuah senyuman
1. Senyum membuat Anda lebih menarik.
Orang yg byk tersenyum memiliki daya tarik. Orang yg suka tersenyum membuat perasaan orang disekitarnya nyaman dan senang. Orang yg selalu merengut, cemburut, mengerutkan kening, dan menyeringai membuat orang-orang disekeliling tidak nyaman. Dipastikan orang yg byk tersenyum memiliki byk teman.
2. Senyum mengubah perasaan
Jika Anda sedang sedih, cobalah tersenyum. Senyuman akan membuat perasaan menjadi lebih baik. Menurut penelitian, senyum bisa memperdayai tubuh sehingga perasaan berubah..
3. Senyum menular
Ketika seseorang tersenyum, ia akan membuat suasana menjadi lebih riang. Orang disekitar Anda pasti akan ikut tersenyum dan merasa lebih bahagia
4. Senyum menghilangkan stres
Stres bisa terlihat di wajah. Senyuman bisa menghilangkan mimik lelah, bosan, dan sedih. Ketika anda stres,ambil waktu untuk tersenyum. Senyuman akan mengurangi stres dan membuat pikiran lebih jernih.
5. Senyum meningkatkan imunitas.
Senyum membuat sistem imun bekerja lebih baik. Fungsi imun tubuh bekerja maksimal saat seseorang merasa rileks. Menurut penelitian, flu dan batuk bisa hilang dengan senyum.
6. Senyum menurunkan tekanan darah
Tidak percaya? Coba Anda mencatat tekanan darah saat anda tidak tersenyum dan catat lagi tekanan darah saat anda tersenyum saat diperiksa. Tekanan darah saat Anda tersenyum pasti lebih rendah.
7. Senyum melepas endorphin, pemati rasa alamiah, dan serotonin
Senyum ibarat obat alami. Senyum bisa menghasilkan endorphin,pemati rasa alamiah, dan serotonin. Ketiganya adalah hormon yg bisa mengendalikan rasa sakit.
8. Senyum membuat awet muda
Senyuman menggerakkan banyak otot . Akibatnya otot wajah terlatih sehingga anda tidak perlu melakukan face lift. Dijamin dengan byk tersenyum Anda akan terlihat lebih awet muda.
9. Senyum membuat Anda kelihatan sukses
Orang yg tersenyum terlihat lebih percaya diri,terkenal, dan bisa diandalkan. Pasang senyum saat rapat atau bertemu dengan klien. Pasti kolega Anda akan melihat Anda lebih baik.
10. Senyum membuat orang berpikir positif.
Coba lakukan ini : pikirkan hal buruk sambil tersenyum. Pasti susah. Penyebabnya, ketika Anda tersenyum,tubuh mengirim sinyal “hidup adalah baik”. Sehingga saat tersenyum, tubuh menerimanya sebagai anugerah
Orang yg byk tersenyum memiliki daya tarik. Orang yg suka tersenyum membuat perasaan orang disekitarnya nyaman dan senang. Orang yg selalu merengut, cemburut, mengerutkan kening, dan menyeringai membuat orang-orang disekeliling tidak nyaman. Dipastikan orang yg byk tersenyum memiliki byk teman.
2. Senyum mengubah perasaan
Jika Anda sedang sedih, cobalah tersenyum. Senyuman akan membuat perasaan menjadi lebih baik. Menurut penelitian, senyum bisa memperdayai tubuh sehingga perasaan berubah..
3. Senyum menular
Ketika seseorang tersenyum, ia akan membuat suasana menjadi lebih riang. Orang disekitar Anda pasti akan ikut tersenyum dan merasa lebih bahagia
4. Senyum menghilangkan stres
Stres bisa terlihat di wajah. Senyuman bisa menghilangkan mimik lelah, bosan, dan sedih. Ketika anda stres,ambil waktu untuk tersenyum. Senyuman akan mengurangi stres dan membuat pikiran lebih jernih.
5. Senyum meningkatkan imunitas.
Senyum membuat sistem imun bekerja lebih baik. Fungsi imun tubuh bekerja maksimal saat seseorang merasa rileks. Menurut penelitian, flu dan batuk bisa hilang dengan senyum.
6. Senyum menurunkan tekanan darah
Tidak percaya? Coba Anda mencatat tekanan darah saat anda tidak tersenyum dan catat lagi tekanan darah saat anda tersenyum saat diperiksa. Tekanan darah saat Anda tersenyum pasti lebih rendah.
7. Senyum melepas endorphin, pemati rasa alamiah, dan serotonin
Senyum ibarat obat alami. Senyum bisa menghasilkan endorphin,pemati rasa alamiah, dan serotonin. Ketiganya adalah hormon yg bisa mengendalikan rasa sakit.
8. Senyum membuat awet muda
Senyuman menggerakkan banyak otot . Akibatnya otot wajah terlatih sehingga anda tidak perlu melakukan face lift. Dijamin dengan byk tersenyum Anda akan terlihat lebih awet muda.
9. Senyum membuat Anda kelihatan sukses
Orang yg tersenyum terlihat lebih percaya diri,terkenal, dan bisa diandalkan. Pasang senyum saat rapat atau bertemu dengan klien. Pasti kolega Anda akan melihat Anda lebih baik.
10. Senyum membuat orang berpikir positif.
Coba lakukan ini : pikirkan hal buruk sambil tersenyum. Pasti susah. Penyebabnya, ketika Anda tersenyum,tubuh mengirim sinyal “hidup adalah baik”. Sehingga saat tersenyum, tubuh menerimanya sebagai anugerah
Sherlock lyrics
Lirik Lagu Shinee - Sherlock Lyrics
Shinee's Back,Shinee's Back, Shinee's Back Back Back Back Back
jigeumbuteo all stop eoneu nugura haedo
i hyeonjangeul beoseonaseon an dwae myeongbaekhan i sageon soge ginjanghaji ma
nan milsil aneseo deo jayurowo imi
neoui tteollin sumgyeol hanakkaji nochiji anha
eunmilhage norin simjangui boseok
neoui buranhan geu siseonkkaji kkwetturheosseo nan
yonguiseonsangui neol chajanaesseo nan Freeze!
amugeotdo moreundan eolgullo neon
nae mameul heundeureo gihoereul noryeo
du gaeui dap (du gaeui dap)
gin bam bulkkoccheoreom teojyeo Baby
Oh I’m curious yeah sajin sok nega sungan misojieo wae
Oh I’m so curious yeah, I’m so curious yeah
haruedo subaek beonssik neol tteoollida tteolchyeonaeda
nae meorissogeul chaeun uimun nega wonhan geosi mwonga
sorido eobsi heulleo deuneun i sungani nae mame
Oh I’m curious yeah sajin sok nega sungan georeonawa wae
Oh I’m so curious yeah, I’m so curious yeah
jigeum nae ape neoneun siljaehaji anha bunmyeong aljiman neoreul simmunhagesseo
naega wonhan daedap neoneun algo isseo ne ipsuri
bitnatda sarajyeo
eojjeom neon imi aranneunji moreuji nae maeumeun
aechobuteo gutge jamgiji anhasseotji negemaneun
beomineun i ane isseo
amudo nagal su eobseo
neowa na eotteon nugudo
neoui modeun geotdeure da
jeunggeoreul nan balgyeonhaesseo
neoreul kkok chajanaegesseo (teojyeo Baby)
Oh I’m curious yeah sajin sok nega sungan georeonawa wae
Oh I’m so curious yeah, I’m so curious yeah
Tonight SHINee’s in the house wo ho
So give it up give it up give it up for SHINee
Give it up give it up give it up for SHINee
Shinee's Back,Shinee's Back, Shinee's Back Back Back Back Back
jigeumbuteo all stop eoneu nugura haedo
i hyeonjangeul beoseonaseon an dwae myeongbaekhan i sageon soge ginjanghaji ma
nan milsil aneseo deo jayurowo imi
neoui tteollin sumgyeol hanakkaji nochiji anha
eunmilhage norin simjangui boseok
neoui buranhan geu siseonkkaji kkwetturheosseo nan
yonguiseonsangui neol chajanaesseo nan Freeze!
amugeotdo moreundan eolgullo neon
nae mameul heundeureo gihoereul noryeo
du gaeui dap (du gaeui dap)
gin bam bulkkoccheoreom teojyeo Baby
Oh I’m curious yeah sajin sok nega sungan misojieo wae
Oh I’m so curious yeah, I’m so curious yeah
haruedo subaek beonssik neol tteoollida tteolchyeonaeda
nae meorissogeul chaeun uimun nega wonhan geosi mwonga
sorido eobsi heulleo deuneun i sungani nae mame
Oh I’m curious yeah sajin sok nega sungan georeonawa wae
Oh I’m so curious yeah, I’m so curious yeah
jigeum nae ape neoneun siljaehaji anha bunmyeong aljiman neoreul simmunhagesseo
naega wonhan daedap neoneun algo isseo ne ipsuri
bitnatda sarajyeo
eojjeom neon imi aranneunji moreuji nae maeumeun
aechobuteo gutge jamgiji anhasseotji negemaneun
beomineun i ane isseo
amudo nagal su eobseo
neowa na eotteon nugudo
neoui modeun geotdeure da
jeunggeoreul nan balgyeonhaesseo
neoreul kkok chajanaegesseo (teojyeo Baby)
Oh I’m curious yeah sajin sok nega sungan georeonawa wae
Oh I’m so curious yeah, I’m so curious yeah
Tonight SHINee’s in the house wo ho
So give it up give it up give it up for SHINee
Give it up give it up give it up for SHINee
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